Tuna Tartare, crayfish broth, masala puree, black rice, black sponge, avocado puree, crayfish custard and chilli dust
Kabeljou, apple puree, pickled white cabbage, cucumber, leeks, asparagus, peas and oyster foam
Pork and baby chicken, pumpkin and verbena puree, butternut fondants, onion puree, apricot chutney with tarragon foam
Springbok Loin, cannelloni, smoked tomato, red pepper, olive and coffee, tamarind, smoked shitake, shimeji, lentil puree, duxelle
Blue Berry Parfait, liquorice jelly, Earl Grey gel, blackberries, verbena and blueberry custard, blueberry sorbet
Cheese Cake Mille Feuille, white chocolate and lime, tonka bean ice-cream, honeycomb crumble and hazelnut custard